Source: Getty Images.
Source: RossHelen (Canva Teams)
Source:  Slatan (Canva Teams)
Source: Getty Images.

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The study found around one in 10 treatments were effective and most provided minimal pain relief. Source: Getty Images.
Source:  adamkaz from Getty Images Signature (Canva Teams)
Living in a dementia-friendly environment is important to delay or prevent cognitive decline. Source: Getty Images
Scientists think these drugs could reduce your risk of dementia, and provide an effective form of protection. Source: Getty
Source: Vormelker from pixabay (Canva Teams)

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Intimacy Q&A

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Help! I’ve developed feelings for a friend whose wife is in care
Help! How do I get more moisture down there?
Help! Is my 70-year-old husband’s high sex drive normal?
Help! How do I start a new intimate relationship with someone?
Help! My husband’s constant sexual desires are spoiling a happy relationship
Help! My husband and I want more intimacy in our relationship
Help! How do I teach my partner what I want or desire?
Help! How do I heal and allow myself to open up sexually again after a troubling past?
Help! My wife (67) can’t orgasm since having a full hysterectomy

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Source: Getty
Help! I’ve had my prostate removed and am unable to have an erection
Help! My wife (74) says intercourse hurts too much and lube is uncomfortable
Help! Does having an enlarged prostate cause erection and orgasm problems?
Help! I’m a 60-year-old woman and my orgasms are not as intense as they used to be

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