Source: Getty Images.
Source: Getty Images.
Source: Getty Images.
Age-proofing the home and reducing the risk of falls is an essential step in maintaining your safety and independence. Source: Getty Images.
There are plenty of simple steps we can take to make our homes safer allowing us to enjoy a confident and vibrant life for years to come. Source: Getty Images.
Preventing falls isn't just about avoiding injury; it's about maintaining an active and engaged lifestyle as we age. Source: Getty Images.
Source: Getty Images.
By training support workers to deliver a fall prevention program, older adults would receive targeted interventions that focus on reducing their risk of fallsSource: Getty Images.
As we age, our risk of falls increases significantly. Falls can lead to serious injuries, including hip fractures, head injuries, and even death. Source: Getty Images.
A decade-long study has discovered that participating in moderate cognitive training reduces falls and incidence in older adults. Source: Getty Images.
Research has shown that by exercising our brain, we may be able to prevent falls. Source: Getty
Low-dose daily aspirin can increase the odds of severe falls for those over 70. Source: Getty
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