With ageing serving as one of the biggest risks for dementia and with 1 in 3 people aged 85 years likely to develop dementia, "a simple intervention like exercise" could  "save our community from the enormous personal, economic and social costs associated with dementia". Source: Getty Images.
"This study provides evidence that resistance training with heavy loads at retirement age can have long-term effects over several years." Source: Getty Images.
Source: Getty
“These findings support the importance of exercise, particularly for the elderly.” Source: Getty Images.
Weight-bearing exercises are a great way to keep your body strong as you get older. Source: Getty Images.
Exercise is proven to reduce fat buildup in muscle tissue but more research is needed to understand effects of this buildup. Source: Getty Images.
Discover the key to ageless strength with these essential tips and exercises for greater bone health.  Source: Getty Images.
Bid farewell to flabby arms and unlock strength at any age with these simpler and effective exercises. Source: Getty Images.
Preventing falls isn't just about avoiding injury; it's about maintaining an active and engaged lifestyle as we age. Source: Getty Images.