A government scheme is incentivising downsizing homes for over 55s. Source: Getty Images
Money and property expert weighs in. Image source: Getty
If I sell my house, how long do I have to buy another one before I lose my Age Pension? Image source: Getty
When the time comes to downsize, you’ll need to decide between buying your new home first or selling your existing home first. Money expert, Rachel Lane, shares three ways to bridge the gap. Image source: Getty
If you get it right, downsizing can have a positive impact on your physical, emotional, and financial well-being. Image source: Getty
More time with the grandkids is often seen as one of the benefits of granny flats. Image Source: Getty.
Beware of these hidden costs associated with selling your home. Source: Getty
Selling your home in retirement can be a significant decision that requires careful planning and consideration. Source: Getty Images.
Here's our best tips to make downsizing a smooth move for you. Source: Getty
Source: Wendy Harch
Barty demonstrated she hadn't lost her touch with a perfectly executed backhand that skimmed across the net, drawing cheers not only from the crowd but also from her opponent. Source: Getty Images.
With ageing serving as one of the biggest risks for dementia and with 1 in 3 people aged 85 years likely to develop dementia, "a simple intervention like exercise" could  "save our community from the enormous personal, economic and social costs associated with dementia". Source: Getty Images.
Source: Getty Images.
What have you still got lurking in your medicine cupboard? Source: Getty Images.
Source: Getty Images.
While acknowledging that she "shouldn't" have broken protocol, the Diamonds Are Forever hitmaker shared details of her brief exchange with the King. Source: AP PHOTO.
Pet parents should take their precious companion to the vet as soon as they notice these warning signs. Source: Getty Images.
Source: Getty Images.