Establishing an end-of-life plan is an essential step for every Australian as they enter their retirement years. Not only does it ensure your final wishes are honoured once you’ve passed, it also gives your loved ones a clear understanding of how you want to live out your dying days when the time comes, and how you want to be celebrated upon your death.

There’s a lot to consider when putting your plans in motion, including understanding your advanced-care options, your funeral preferences (including whether you’d like to buried or cremated), your will – including your power of attorney and executor, and a whole lot more.

Read on to find all the essential information you need to help you prepare for your final days and ensure your wishes are honoured once you’re gone.

The costs associated with bidding a dignified farewell, ranging from funeral service fees to burial or cremation expenses, can be substantial. Source: Getty Images.
Research found a coffin can comprise more than 30 per cent of the total cost of a funeral. Source: Getty
Five things you should financially achieve by 70, to ensure a happy retirement. Source: Getty Images.
Passwords don't pass with your passing – they stay alive. If you have kept them in a secret place or, even more securely, in that impregnable cyber space called your head, it could create a problem for others if you lose your life or your mind. Source: Getty
Funerary urn with ashes of dead and flowers at funeral. Image: Getty
Unlike other types of trust, which must come to an end within 80 years, charitable trusts can exist forever. Source: Getty
Sometimes it's just better to be explicit about where you've stored your will. Source: Getty.
Elder abuse is now the most common form of abuse and sadly the perpetrators are most often the victim’s friends and family. Source: Getty
In many cases, the financial benefits of funeral insurance are questionable. Source: Getty
Auckland-based Dying Art creates customised and wildly creative caskets. Source: Facebook/@DyingArt
It’s expected to take about 18 months to implement the new laws in Tasmania. Source: Getty
" Imagine if you could go and visit (say) a tree in a forest where your loved one was actually buried and watch it grow and know they were part of that regrowth," writes Brian. Source: Getty Images
Covid-19 is reshaping the way in which Australians view the funeral industry. Source: Getty.
Mary was there with her sister until the very end. Source: Getty Images

More on End-of-life Planning

How to avoid running out of money in retirement | Q&A with Challenger
Power of Attorney: The vital things every older Australian should understand | Q&A with Willed
Source: Getty Images.
Source: Getty Images.
Your choice of executor can impact how your wishes are honoured. Image source: Getty
Grief doesn't discriminate by age and it touches all of us at some point in our lives. Source: Getty Images.
Since 1990, average life expectancy at birth has gone from 80 to 85 for Australian women and from 74 to 83 for Australian men. Source: Getty
If your will is challenged, it can not only be stressful and upsetting for all parties involved but could also reduce the value of your estate once legal fees are paid. Source: Getty Images.
Elder abuse takes many forms, extending beyond what is commonly known. Source: Getty
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