Rodney Horin

Rodney Horin

Rodney Horin worked as a lawyer before changing careers to stockbroking and wealth management in the late 1990s.

He opened the Melbourne office of Joseph Palmer & Sons, Australia’s oldest stockbroking firm, in 2007, becoming one of the first non-family members in the business.

Joseph Palmer & Sons was established in Sydney in 1872 and remains the oldest family business on the Australian Securities Exchange.

As the managing director of the firm’s Melbourne operations, over the past 13 years Rodney has built up a business specialising in wealth management and aged-care consulting.

His biggest passion is for providing financial advice to older Australians and assisting families through the complexities of entering aged care. When he’s not doing that, he’s involved in many community projects and dreams of seeing Carlton win another premiership in the AFL.

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