Paul Goldfinch

Paul Goldfinch

Married with two children retired to the Valley Of Peace, Kongwak, Victoria. Formerly a Detective Sergeant, The Flying Squad, New Scotland Yard, before coming to Australia almost 40 years ago carving a career in small business and within the Corporate arena as a senior manager, including the establishment of WorkCare Victoria. Retired as Licenced owner/operator of an independent Real Estate Agency and Business Brokers in Queensland. Now dividing time between family and travelling Australia by caravan with a passion for the plight and lack of support for aged pensioners.

Anthony Albanese, delivering his budget reply in Parliament, failed to connect with all Australians according to Paul. Source: Getty Images
Josh Frydenberg announced a budget with increased focus on women, spending on major infrastructure projects across Australia, and funds for aged care in direct response to the findings of the royal commission, but nothing for pensioners. Source: Getty Images
 Labor Opposition leader Anthony Albanese during his budget reply speech on October 08, 2020 in Canberra, Australia. Source: Getty
The Budget was handed down by the treasurer on Tuesday. Source: Shutterstock.
Paul takes a closer look at superannuation and private health insurance in Australia. Source: Getty
Paul makes a case for a system that holds our country's leaders accountable. Source: Getty
Paul has criticised Australian PM Scott Morrison for not doing 'enough' during the Australian bushfire crisis. Source: Getty Images
Leader of the Liberal Party, Scott Morrison and Labor leader Bill Shorten. Source: Getty Images
Living the dream… 10 years too late