JD travelled to the south coast of NSW to see how it was recovering after the bushfires. Source: JD Kew
This community writer has experienced anti-Asian racism amid coronavirus. Source:  Brook Mitchell/Getty Images
Mourners gather at a vigil for murdered mother Hannah Clarke and her three children in Brisbane, Australia. Source: Jono Searle/Getty Images
The community writer is frustrated at the actions of others while they're hiding behind their keyboards. Source: Getty Images
This community writer says the empathy towards Australians who have 'lost everything' in the bush fires has been overwhelming, but the same does not extend to refugees coming to Australia with nothing hoping for a better life. Source: Getty Images
JD Kew found this gorgeous red leather jacket for $12 at an op shop. Source: JD Kew
The view of the water from her kayak. Source: JD Kew
This writer had hoped to use their super as an income, but one delay after another has caused quite a lot of frustration. Source: Getty Images
Had JD Kew not taken the opportunity to attend a writing retreat to Norfolk Island (pictured), she may never have met her friend. Source: JD Kew

About JD Kew

JD Kew is a corporate escapee and former small business owner. After two years of upheavals following her husband’s serious illness, she is currently an L Plate retiree enjoying her first year of living aimlessly. Her interests include travel, writing and photography. She ended her business and enrolled in a writing course to pursue her lifelong ambition of being a writer. This has proven to be an astute decision resulting in her first monologue being performed and published whilst her first article submitted for publication has been included in a book collection of writers’ works. She is enjoying her writing more than she ever imagined and she hopes you will as well.