Gay MacDonald

Gay MacDonald

Gay describes herself as decidedly left of centre. Willing to give things a go even when she shouldn’t. Like everyone, she’s survived tragedies but has had much love to balance it. She’s a self-confessed book worm who adores audiobooks as well as paper. She has a service dog and tends to wobble after brain surgery. But it’s all good.
She has four cats and was an only child who moved eight times. She was country kid for the most of it.
She’s got four kids, two grandchildren and two great grandchildren. And she’s 80 years old herself.
“You could say I am a nut in a nutshell.”

Dating and dancing used to go hand in hand. Source: Getty
Remembering the Christmasses that have been. Source: Getty
When trolls were only in fairy tales
Source: Getty
Depression didn't exist in the old days. Source: Getty
Gay MacDonald with the bat that bit her just minutes later. Source: Getty
The Queen is 14 years older than I am. Source: Getty
"More of you to love" Source: Getty
"I recall the day I opened a book and the strange black scribbly blobs turned into words..." Source: Getty