Jacqui Lee

Jacqui Lee

Jacqui Lee is retired, but the last 10 years or so have been some of her busiest. She worked at a hospital, where she took several certificated courses; she cleaned a school; helped to run two conventions; wrote short stories; started painting; and in fact is never bored even now. She says she honestly feels lucky to still be upright and breathing. Her motto is ‘Remember yesterday, dream of tomorrow, but live today’. She loves fun, clothes, food and friends.

Lemon delicious pudding
Jacqui's grandfather Thomas Sage was a kind and gentle man, despite all the horrors he endured. Source: Jacqui Lee
Are you being served? Jacqui longs for the grocery shopping experience of the past. Source: Getty Images
Stress, anxiety, and sad movies are obvious triggers for waterworks. But crying can have more unsuspecting prompts too. Source: Getty Images
Jacqui still wonders about the piles of mail left unattended in one of her workplaces. Source: Getty Images
Now Gladys had achieved the pose, she had no idea how to get out of it. Source: Getty Images
Jacqui writes about beauty and the impact of cosmetic treatments. Source: Getty Images
The midwife gave Mum her assurance that I was not going to have fame and fortune but just have a “lucky” life. Source: Getty (note: models posed for photo.)
Jacqui worries an entire generation will waste away in front of the TV. Source: Getty