Vivienne Cable combined a Household Loan with the Age Pension, super and earnings from her styling consultancy to boost her income and give her an emergency nest egg. Source: Supplied.
Our experts explain how to utilise the wealth you already have to cover your retirement costs.
Vivienne Cable combined a Household Loan with the Age Pension, super and earnings from her styling consultancy to boost her income and give her an emergency nest egg. Source: Supplied.
Knowing you own that familiar place you call home can bring real comfort, especially when paying the mortgage is no longer a worry.
Retirement is more relaxing when you know you have a secure source of income.
The government has described residential property as part of the ‘third pillar’ that makes up the Aussie retirement funding system, alongside super and the Age Pension.
Knowing you picked the best way to release equity from your home makes for a much more relaxed retirement.
Having the money to continue to enjoy good times in the home you love is one of the benefits of accessing the equity in your home through a Household Loan.