Daily Joke: Do you have any duck food? - Starts at 60

Daily Joke: Do you have any duck food?

Jun 02, 2023
What a cheeky duck! Source: Pixabay

A duck walks into a bar and says, “Do you have duck food here?”

The bartender says, “No” and the duck leaves.

The duck comes back the next day and says, “Do you have duck food?”

The bartender says, “No.”

The duck comes back the next day and says, “Do you have any duck food?”

The bartender says, “I already told you ‘No’ twice! If you come back and ask me again, I’m going to nail your feet to the floor!”

The duck comes back the next day and says, “Do you have any nails?”

The bartender says, “No.”

“Do you have any duck food?”

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