REVEALED: The plants, trees and grasses that are the worst hayfever culprits

Source: Getty Images.

Australia has the best of both worlds when it comes to plant life.

We have the stunning native flora that every Aussie is proud of, plus a wide range of lovely imported plants that we have adopted as our own.

Unfortunately, this combination of imports and natives can be terrible for someone with hayfever. All these plants contribute to pollen in the air and act as seasonal triggers for those with allergies.

While antihistamines and prescribed nasal sprays might work, you could avoid having to use them by taking a hard look at what you have in your backyard because the solution may be as simple as removing certain ‘problem plants’ from your garden.

Also, if you have a knowledge of what plants set off your hayfever, you can identify them in your community and know to take an antihistamine before your allergies start to flare up.

So, which flora are the biggest hayfever culprits in Australia?

Australian pine (casuarinas)

The greyish-green foliage of these plants makes them an attractive option for urban developing and parks but when the needle-like leaves turn brown, it’s a sign that the tree is about to pollinate.


This Australian favourite can be identified by its red brush-like flowers and broad leaves. The pollen from the flowers can easily be stirred up by the wind.

Mango Tree

Unfortunately, mango trees are another Australian favourite that can set off hayfever. The Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy says that a mango tree’s highest hayfever danger period is in the second half of the year.

Murray Pine (White Cypress Pine)

Similar to casuarinas, these trees have needle-like leaves and can be identified by their pinecones and flowers. They are used in urban planning along the east coast of Australia.

Paperbark Tree

Found throughout Australia, the paperbark tree’s white bottlebrush-shaped flowers produce pollen that can easily be swept through the air.

Grasses (Many types)

Grass is a common trigger for allergies. Some worst offenders include ryegrass, velvet grass, wild oat, Kentucky blue, Johnson grass, orchard grass, canary grass, couch grass, bahia grass and winter grass.


A number of common garden weeds can all trigger allergies, including ragweed, plantain, asthma weed and Paterson’s curse.

Notable mentions

English oak, London plane trees, olive trees and silver birch trees are notable hayfever producers.

IMPORTANT LEGAL INFO This article is of a general nature and FYI only, because it doesn’t take into account your personal health requirements or existing medical conditions. That means it’s not personalised health advice and shouldn’t be relied upon as if it is. Before making a health-related decision, you should work out if the info is appropriate for your situation and get professional medical advice.

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