Wendy Portlock

Wendy Portlock

Wendy Portlock is the 11th of 13 children. She grew up in South Australia. She has been twice married, but will celebrate 20 years with her husband David in 2019. Wendy has two children of her own as well as being a step-mother to two. She quite likes her blended family. Wendy was forced into early retirement in 2011 and she and David try to travel overseas twice a year.

Wendy Portlock's late mother-in-law in December 2019. Source: Wendy Portlock
Wendy and her husband David pose for a photo in front of the terracotta warriors in Xi'an, China.
Hong Kong by night. Source: Wendy Portlock
This writer was subjected to racist bullying at school. Source: Getty Images
The idea of being a burden can have massive consequences. Source: Getty Images
Wendy loves her family history. Source: Pixabay
Wendy's son Justin died at the age of 21. Source: Getty Images
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