Sandy Curtis

Sandy Curtis

Sandy is an author of seven romantic thrillers, three contemporary romances, one women’s fiction, and numerous short stories, workshop presenter, organised WriteFest (Bundaberg writers festival) for eleven years, freelance article writer, newspaper columnist, feature article writer, editor of short story collections.

Source: Getty Images.
Source: Getty Images.
Our Starts at 60 blogger reflects on her "fantastic trip" to Canada and Alaska with an old friend. Source: Getty Images.
Our pets were put on earth to give us that most precious gift - unconditional love. Source: Getty Images.
What started off as a good day for Sandy, ended in a long winded battle with the bank. Source: Getty Images.
My head is spinning and again I remember my much younger self breezing back through Melbourne Airport on return from New Zealand – no Immigration, no Customs, no passport. No hassle, no headache. Source: Getty
It’s not easy, it can be difficult, but sometimes we have to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes. Source: pexels
Part seven in the serialisation of the novel written by author Sandy Curtis.
'I thought I’d look at some laws in a different way'. Source: Getty