Marnie Rogers

Marnie Rogers

I have always enjoyed writing of any description, poetry, short stories, articles, opinions. I also enjoy photography and family history - all of which I do with a passion. My articles and opinions reflect the person I am - a mother of 5, grandmother of 21, married to the same man for 46 years (who is also my carer), living in a country town and surviving solely on a government pension. 
It’s got to the ridiculous stage where everything anyone says is examined for an 'ism'. Source: Getty Images
Marnie has removed herself from social media to avoid the pain it causes. Source: Pixabay
February is a time to breathe a sigh of relief. Source: Pixabay
This is what the aged pension is really all about, says Marnie. Source: Shutterstock
Where has self-respect gone in the younger generations? Source: Pixabay
We'd keep cool by getting outside and playing under the sprinkler. Source: Pixabay
Marnie says the negative of this photo was her father's gift. Source: Marnie Rogers
Marnie says the negative of this photo was her father's gift. Source: Marnie Rogers
Marnie felt shame at meeting the Queen in her Wellington boots. Source: Pixabay
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