Bringing our ‘A-Game’

Nov 23, 2024
Source: Getty Images.

Together, here we all are, even when we are apart. These can be our silver years, heading towards our “Gone Geriatric” years. This can be the stage of our lives as boomers as the generation now most likely to experience any declining health issue. All perfectly normal. Take a rain check, to influence ways to bring your our “A-Game” to whatever we contemplate doing each day.

We can all consider this a ‘tick-a-box’, surveying the status quo for each of us. First, eyes open, plus or minus pending cataract procedure. Here, that has been assessed by the optician as a long way along life’s track. It is a good idea to have our eyes and teeth monitored by professionals I can still enjoy a quiet, relaxing hobby of reading, family favourite.

If we can still look forward to meal times, that is a bonus. Some do not. Creative approaches to varying recipes are part of our “A-Game”. We never know what the supermarket provides for specials each week, experimenting with established cooking suggestions can be tasty, reduce costs, and taste appealing. For example, trying unique soup or biscuit ideas can be real fun, and results can be frozen in individual containers, according to household tastes. Any creative leisure we like doing requires our “A-Game”, such as gardening or crafting. The silver generation can all give ourselves some credit for designing a measure of this world of today, which people criticize so much. We really turned over some stereotypes of our parents, in many fields, creating change. Maybe we are regarded as privileged in some respects, but we are still playing our senior part in the world. It is partly our influence that younger people in our families or community are determined to bring their “A Game” to their future.

We can all discuss acquaintances we know of any age-group who dabbled in drugs or alcohol, rejected their parents’ work ethic, or merely went through hard times due to any reason. But our human spirit which silver citizens have inherited and acquired means the human race are no quitters. We can wake up and bring our “A-Game” to the next day. Personally, I have survived some melodramatic co-residents of silver years, or younger. Some Brady Bunches are not all saccharine, I can state right here and now. It can take more than half an hour of glossy hair to solve some people. But I am no quitter! I used to head along to my own room, and fold my hands, practise deep breathing, bringing my “A-Game” to keeping the peace. We all have foibles, and I am pleased and surprised all worked out well.

So, if situations at home are concerning, sit down quietly, clasp your hands in front of you, and take five deep breaths. The world still turns, keep on being pleasant. You can influence the immediate environment in your own way. We silvers can all turn our focus to maintaining a smooth routine, without being too self-focused on conflict.

In the global and national picture of our known universe, not many of us are the powers- that-be, to change the news in the media. We can change the future of the Australian government any election, and send politicians to Canberra so we can blame them for anything we choose. That does not mean any silver can change progress for the future of our great Southern Land. However, bringing our “A-Game” to each day can be our part, and we still do not need any ‘thought control’! If our health is reasonably okay, we are still vertical, and we can afford and enjoy eating dinner, there is step one of our “A-Game!”.

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