‘Aggressive protesters only cause disruption and unrest, detracting from their cause’

Aug 21, 2019
Brian feels protesters causing disruption to those around them do nothing for their cause. Source: Getty Images

I firmly believe in the freedom of speech, within the parameters of good manners and decorum. I firmly believe in the freedom of religion, within the parameters of `live and let live`. I abhor hate speeches, equally I detest any religion that aims to dominate, or kill non-believers. Though that is in the interpretation of those religious instructions. I firmly believe in the democratic right to protest and demonstrate, but without disrupting the normal and passive activities of others.

It has now become apparent that `the Lefties` have pursued the policy of appeasement to such an extent that the rule of law has been flouted. However, the pendulum has begun to swing back across the spectrum. One can feel the ‘silent majority’ is reasserting itself. Hallelujah!

I would like `a statesman`, a Margaret Thatcher or Golda Meir to lead us up to higher standards with consideration of these changes in current laws.

I strongly feel media cameras need to be banned from protests as such events are not truly ‘in the public interest’. The protesters, in my opinion, merely yearn for their faces to appear on television and the demonstrations are far from passive, with many of the protests recently seeking to cause the maximum amount of disruption and chaos possible.

I also feel that as baggage handlers and other heavy-lifting industries have industrial agreements on maximum weights, so too should the police. Why should they lift and protect a protester? I feel a new law put in place would allow the police to grip an ankle each and drag. No recompense or law suits for personal injury or damaged clothes and accoutrements. There would be no ‘professional protesters’, as there are at present. I also want the states’ emergency services and/or fire brigades to rehearse their hose drill and drench the crowds with cold water.

I do not believe our police or protectors should have to climb a bridge of building to get these foolhardy people down. Let them figure it out for themselves. Remove all cameras, water, food and comforts. Perhaps those fire services would like to use the hoses again …? I think about the loved ones of these servicemen and women. The work enviroment for these people is already dangerous enough.

A great many of these protesters are volunteers. They choose to participate in such behaviour, at times breaking the law. They also choose to participate in an way that disrupts the normal working lives of those around them.

As these protesters have so much time on their hands, one must assume they are not learning or earning. That is, in many cases, they are spending time away from studies or employment. If they are receiving a government benefit of any sort, I feel it should be revoked.

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