Sarah Ferguson offers rare update on the late Queen Elizabeth’s treasured corgis

Aug 29, 2024
Fans were delighted to hear how the dogs were doing, thanking Ferguson for the update and for taking such good care of them since the Queen's passing. Source: Getty Images.

Royal enthusiasts have received a rare glimpse into the lives of the late Queen Elizabeth’s cherished corgis, Sandy and Muick, thanks to Sarah Ferguson’s recent update on the beloved pair.

To mark International Dog Day this week, Ferguson took to social media to highlight the “unconditional love” and “loyalty” that these two pups bring.

She also shared that she plans to celebrate the occasion by treating the royal dogs to an “extra treat”.

“Wishing you and all your furry friends a Happy #InternationalDogDay,” she began.

“For all the unconditional love, loyalty, and joy they bring into our lives, Sandy and Muick will be getting an extra treat on their special day!”

Fans were delighted to hear how the dogs were doing, thanking Ferguson for the update and for taking such good care of them since the Queen’s passing.

“Thank you for sharing! We love to see the pups with you! Her Majesty inspired us to become corgi owners, and I don’t think I will ever love another breed as much!” one wrote.

“Thank you for taking care of the queen’s dogs that meant so much to her.”

“Ah they’re lovely and I am sure Queen Elizabeth II is looking down on them and you and delighted with the love and attention you give them,” commented another.

“Aww thank you for sharing the pups of the late Queen Elizabeth. They are in the best of hands.”

Ferguson has been caring for the royal dogs after it was announced that she and her ex-husband, Prince Andrew, would be taking ownership of them following the Queen’s passing in 2022.

Speaking to The Telegraph, Ferguson had said it was a “big honour” to be Muick and Sandy’s new caretaker, adding that the four-legged royal family members were “national treasures” and had “been taught well”.



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