Meal providers get $37 Million boost to help older Australians live independently at home

Dec 16, 2024
The move will increase funding to over 500 meals providers by $37 million over the next three years. Source: Getty Images.

A multi-million dollar funding boost to aged care meal providers will provide regular nutritious meals to older Australians to help them live independently for longer and ease rising living costs.

All Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) meal providers, such as Meals on Wheels, will receive a 10 per cent cost-of-living top-up of their 2024–25 meals funding to alleviate cost pressures and reduce the impact on service delivery.

This will increase funding to over 500 meal providers by $37 million over the next three years and take the government’s annual investment in CHSP meal services to $131.64 million.

Federal Minister for Aged Care, Anika Wells said the government has made a “significant investment” in the sector as it recognised the increased need for these services.

“Our $37m investment will help Meals on Wheels and other meals providers deliver an essential service, bringing healthy meals to older Australians to help them stay healthy and connected to their community,” she said.

“We’re giving an immediate cost-of-living funding boost to CHSP meals providers servicing communities across Australia. We want to ensure they can continue to deliver better choice, better nutrition and better social supports for older people living at home.

Aged & Community Care Providers Association (ACCPA) CEO Tom Symondson said that while the cash boost would help, it also highlighted that further action is needed to address rising costs and ensure the sustainability of CHSP services.

“ACCPA has consistently called for sustainable funding and adequate support to ensure the delivery of quality care during the transition to Support at Home,” Symondson said.

“This 10 per cent cost-of-living adjustment is a welcome step forward.

“It also highlights the task we have ahead of us to address the rising costs faced by providers and to ensure the sustainability of CHSP services.

“The new Aged Care Act will have significant implications for CHSP providers.

“We need to make sure CHSP providers aren’t left behind and we continue to urge the Department to work closely with the sector on program design and changes.”

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