‘What a steal!’ Hilarious video shows what it’s really like to shop at Aldi

Jan 10, 2020
The video received thousands of comments from people who shared their own Aldi experiences. Source: Facebook/Alright Hey.

From the hallowed middle aisle filled with all sorts of bargains to the supersonic speed at which your groceries are scanned through the checkout, we all know that shopping at Aldi comes with its quirks, as well as typically lower prices.

Now a hilarious video has poked fun at the most recognisable aspects of the German discount retailer, from the middle aisle packed full of weird and wonderful ‘special buys’, to carrying your groceries round in a cardboard fruit box because you forgot your reusable bags again.

The tongue-in-cheek video, titled ‘Thoughts you have had at Aldi’, was shared by comedian Matthew Hey on his ‘Alright Hey’ Facebook page, and shows the performer visiting his local Aldi to simply “pick up some milk”.

What happens next though is something I’m sure we can all relate to as Matthew is sucked in by the range of goodies on offer in the special buys aisle that runs through the centre of all Aldi stores across the country, as he picks up items – at a cut price – that he has no use for.

“A sleeping bag for a baby,” he says, picking up a box. “I don’t know any babies that are going camping. Oh, it’s only $19. May as well get that.”

He then comes across the selection of ski gear: “Love this, wow. And boots. Oh good one in my size. Alright better try this on … Look at that, she’s ready for Thredbo. About to hit the slopes!”

Thousands of people commented on the video, sharing their own Aldi experiences and agreeing with the stereotypes that the comic had poked fun at. One person wrote: “This is so true at Aldi checkouts , you don’t have to go to the gym just go to checkout and catch all your stuff being thrown at you.”

Another commented: “Yep! Everytime. Not the forgetting the bags but going in for Milk and coming out with a bag full.”

While another shopper said: “I definitely grab the cardboard boxes in Aldi and Lidl to carry my stuff!”

Last year another video which hilariously mocked Aldi’s speedy checkout cashiers went viral online, as American dad Travis Cunningham filmed himself sitting behind a makeshift checkout at his home, essentially made out of some stacked up boxes and a bookshelf. In place of the trolley at the end he positioned one of his children’s pretend ones to ‘catch’ the goods.

As the footage starts, he can be heard saying: “Welcome to Aldi!’ before he begins sliding food items and canned goods past and carelessly throwing them in the general direction of the trolley, while his wife Taylor can be heard chuckling in the background. Of course only a few actually make it into the trolley, as the rest land around them on the floor.

The video was widely online, as people from right across the world commented and shared their own similar experiences at the store. One person commented: “Throwing your gyozas at you!” while another added: “So very true.” One more wrote: “This is EXACTLY how they ring my stuff up lmao!”

Speaking to Today Parents about his first visit to Aldi, Travis said: “My first impression of Aldi is memorable, to say the least…” He went on to say he had high hopes as the prices were so reasonable, before adding: “Then we got to the checkout and I noticed Taylor had been stockpiling boxes the whole time — that’s where the fun began.”

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