Taking back control of the holidays

Dec 04, 2016

With the holiday season upon us, it’s easy to think about all the good things that are going to happen. Seeing old friends, seeing family, good food, and a few presents. However, you might be like many that find holidays tough. It can be an emotional time and a stressful time. That stress could also trigger depression which can compound all problems around the holidays.

The most important thing to remember is that if you are having trouble these holidays you are not alone and there are many that are feeling the same. Many have come together with the help of experts to determine what are the best ways to combat these troubling times.

Moderation is key.
You probably already know that any over indulgence on alcohol can just make your bad feelings feel worse. So, it’s best to keep holiday drinks to a minimum. Overeating can also add to your emotional state as it can trigger senses of guilt. It’ll give you a temporary release, but the longer lasting effects are negative.

Keep it real.
If you know that this time of year is emotional, there can be part of you that thinks this is the year that you are going to change that completely. It’s important to keep your expectations real. This holiday isn’t going to be perfect, but little changes can make it easier and perhaps make next year’s even better. Another great tip is to keep up your routine as much as you can as it will help keep you grounded.

Don’t fall off the grid.
Your instinct might tell you to try to tough out this time of year on your own. Every expert insists that it’s more important that you stay connected with your loved ones through this troubling time.  If you need support than your loved ones are there to give it, don’t be afraid to ask. If everyone is away for the holidays than you might want to think about volunteering. Being around others that will appreciate your help is great for your state of mind and it’ll help them as well.

Throw away guilt and treat yourself.
Make no mistake, keep within your budget if you have one but it’s important that you give yourself as many “pick me ups” as you can get. A little gift to yourself will help your mood, and you can tell guilt to take some time off so you can take the time to enjoy it.

It’s always difficult to fix problems as it varies from person to person. It is important to ask for help if you need it at any time of year. You can always reach beyondblue either online or on 1 300 22 4639 or Lifeline Australia on their website of on 13 11 14.

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