Reasons why you might have bad breath

Dec 27, 2016

You probably won’t be surprised to know that a lot of people have a bad breath problem. But did you know bad breath is a chronic problem for one in four people?

If you’re that one in four, it’s a problem for you — and possibly those around you. Learn about the gases that cause imperfect pongs and what you can do about them…

Bad breath affects most of us at some time or another — after a night’s sleep or after chomping on onions and garlic. Yet lingering smells need attention. Bad breath is also known as halitosis or feta oris and it’s a pretty common reason for people coming into the clinic.

Flagrant not fragrant

Research backs this experience; it’s the third most common reason for seeking the help of a dentist after tooth decay and gum disease.

As for the causes of less than fragrant breath? There can be many.

Poor oral hygiene is the major cause of bad breath. It can happen when bits of food caught in your teeth start to break down. When mouth living bacteria eat these bits of food, they release noxious gases.

Anyone for bad eggs?

Scarily, these noxious gases include hydrogen sulphide (think rotten eggs), dimethyl sulphide (think rotten seaweed) and cadaverine and putrescine (the gases given off by decaying corpses)…

Lifestyle factors such as smoking also cause bad breath because of the tar and carbon that remain in the mouth. Smoking and alcohol consumption also dehydrate the body, which can cause dry mouth and can affect the quality of your breath.

The food factor

Food is another factor that can cause bad breath. Take the popular paleo way of eating. Severe dieting means that your body breaks down different nutrients and this can cause bad breath. Low carb and no carb diets can also do it.

That’s because, when you cut the carbs and increase your protein intake, your body burns fat and this produces volatile compounds called ketones, which cause a particular kind of bad breath. Better dental hygiene can’t fix this one — it’s best to include a few low GI, healthy wholegrain foods in your diet. You can also try masking the smell with sugar-free gum.

Feed bad bacteria

Most of the time, the cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene. Pongs occur when bacteria eat the traces of food that remain between and on the teeth and gums, producing sulphur-containing gases.

In my experience people just need a little help to improve their oral hygiene — the best approach is with gentle but effective cleaning techniques for each individual.

Bacteria live in your mouth. They find homes in the crevices of the tongue, teeth and gums where they eat the food you eat and emit foul-smelling gases that cause odours. Removing bacteria and their waste through an effective cleaning regime can freshen your breath for a few hours.

Health conditions and halitosis

Serious illnesses — like bowel problems and pneumonia — as well as reflux problems, can cause bad breath. Medication can also be a trigger, including nitrates used to treat angina, some chemotherapy medications and certain tranquillisers, plus any kind of medicine that causes dry mouth.

Although medical problems need prompt medical treatment and you need to see your GP, there are some things you can do to protect yourself from bad breath. Recent research suggests that one of the most effective ways to beat bad breath is based on bacteria.

Better bacteria

More and more research is showing that one of the most effective ways to treat bad breath is via probiotics (good bacteria). There are trillions of beneficial bacteria that live in and on your body that are vital to life and can help to reduce bad breath. Many new treatments are likely to focus on increasing certain beneficial probiotics.

Probiotics work by forcing out the bad guys i.e. the bad bacteria which are potentially disease-causing microorganisms. Look for oral probiotics designed specifically to improve your dental health.

Feeding the good guys

Encouraging lots of prebiotics is important, too. Prebiotics — like wholegrains, pulses, veggies and fruits — are foods that nourish you and promote the growth of good bacteria. Yet another reason to enjoy a balanced diet of vegetables, fruits and healthy carbohydrates.

Crunch time

Vegetables are an especially good choice because they are also rich in water and fibre — you could say they act like a dietary toothbrush. Drink lots of water and try to rinse your mouth with water after eating to help the natural mouth cleansing action of saliva.

Of course, effective and regular cleaning is absolutely vital to maintain a healthy mouth. So don’t neglect regular check-ups with your dentist for a professional clean.

When did you last visit the dentist? Have you ever had a problem with bad breath?

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