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Sheila Freeman

Sheila Freeman

Sheila is in her 70s and has been married 52 years. She has three children and seven grandchildren.

She works part-time while also working on her third book, which focuses on how older Australians face ongoing challenges as they age. These challenges not only effect their lives but the lives of their family and friends, and can have ongoing consequences even after death.

She has qualifications in financial counselling and financial dispute resolution, and is an Australian-accredited mediator. She is also a registered marriage celebrant and a Justice of the Peace.

Sheila is the co-author of two books: Money Management for Women published by UNSW Press and Bullying in the Workplace an Occupational Hazard published by HarperCollins.

She was a bail justice for 21 years, has been a member of the Royal Australian Army Nursing Corps Army Reserve, and was a founding member of the Williamstown Writers’ Group.

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