Edith Cragg

Edith Cragg

I am an International Wellness Coach, together with my husband Timothy, operating in Europe and Australia. We have created the website β€œSixtyandStillSexy”, specialising in helping an older audience to maintain or regain optimal overall health, especially with regards to sexual health.

Our main passion is supporting the body with a holistic approach that includes nutri-logic (food that is life giving yet simple to prepare) combined with suitable supplements to boost our overall wellbeing, together with exercise and adequate stress relief.

We are currently putting the finishing touches of the soon to be published books, β€œSixty and Still Sexy” and β€œForever Sexy,” and yes, that is me (Edith Cragg) in the photo above. For further information with regards to sexual health matters, please visit the website www.sixtyandstillsexy.com.

For general health information, please visit the website of the not for profit β€œCoolWellbeing Foundation” – www.coolwellbeing.org.

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