One of our Style at 60 Community Members has asked:
“What are the best fake tanning products suitable for very fair skin? I would prefer odourless if possible. I only use fake tan on my lower legs and feet.” – Pam Fraser
I love the sun and I love the beach, but I have very fair skin like you Pam and I choose to keep it protected. However if you want some colour, a fake tan is the ONLY WAY TO GET A TAN these days!
Fake tanners have come a long way from where they started! Pam, what I recommend is that you try some of these and see what works best for your colouring. All of the self-tanners I have selected here are suitable for fair skin.
My sister loves the Dove gradual tanner and I think that gradual tanning products overall can be an excellent choice as you have more control over the depth of your tan. Both the Ella Bache and Clarins products featured are excellent!
Good luck tanning Pam!
St Tropez everyday body gradual tan light-medium
Dove summer glow gradual self tan body lotion fair-medium
Do you have any tips for Pam? Do you have a question that you would like us to answer at Style at 60?