New uses for your old muffin tins

via Bizzy Bs Design Instagram

Muffin tins seem to accumulate don’t they? It seems almost every baker has 5-10 of them, despite maybe only making muffins once every now and then. So instead of donating or throwing these away, you could make great use of them with the following ideas.

From storage solutions to dividing up condiments, muffin trays are your new best friend!

Take a look at these ideas and let us know if you have any more to add.

1. Button storage

If you have a number of buttons or even brooches or pins, muffin tins are great for holding them and dividing by colour or type.

2. Serving tray

A photo posted by Bailey (@bayleafstew) on

If you have a larger muffin tray, it can be handy for transporting a number of canned drinks at once, or storing them in your fridge.

3. Bake multiple eggs

A photo posted by Jenna Liwak (@jliwak13) on

If you don’t have time to cook eggs half a dozen at a time, use a muffin tray! Simply grease it up and drop an egg into easy hole. Pop in at 180 degrees from about 15 mins and voila.

4. Junk drawer organisation

Just like for buttons, you can use your muffin tin for your junk drawer. Simply slide it in and fill it up!

5. Jewellery holder

This ornate muffin tin is great for storing your jewellery bits and pieces. If you have a much more worn one, you can simply spray paint it.

6. Tealight holder

A photo posted by @hearttocreate on

Isn’t this a great idea? If you need tealights or simply want to light them all at once, this is an easy solution.

7. Condiment container

Having some guests over soon? Save on washing up with this smart idea!

8. Lemon water

Get easy, on-the-go lemon water by freezing water and a slice of lemon. Pop it in your water bottle of a morning and fill up the rest.

9. Snack divider

If you’ve got fussy grandkids or want to serve a couple of them, a muffin tin can be your best friend.

10. Use as a planter

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via So creative

11. Bath bombs

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What you need:

  • food colouring
  • flower petals or body glitter
  • sweet almond oil
  • scented oil such as lavender oil
  • ten tablespoons of bicarbonate of soda
  • three tablespoons of citric acid
  • two large mixing bowls
  • one large muffin tray
  • one small glass jar
  • rubber gloves
  • spoon


  1. Grease the sides and bases of a large muffin tray with a small amount of almond oil. Use an alternative oil if allergic to nuts.

  2. Place the citric acid and bicarbonate of soda into a large bowl. Mix the ingredients together well, to form the base mixture.
  3. Scoop out about half a cup of this mixture and put it in into another bowl. This will make about one or two bath bombs (depending on the size of the holes in your muffin tray). You could also use old plastic containers or anything that will hold a shape.
  4. Add the flower petals or body glitter to the base mixture.
  5. In the small glass jar, mix together 6 drops of your scented oil, 5 teaspoons of sweet almond oil and about 10 drops of food colouring.
  6. Gradually pour the oil mixture into the half cup of the base mixture. While wearing rubber gloves, quickly mix it all together. The mixture is ready when it stays together in your hands without crumbling too much.
  7. Spoon the mixture into the muffin tray. Press it down firmly.
  8. You can use the rest of the mixture with other types of scented oil or food colouring to make more bath bombs.
  9. Leave the bombs in the tray to set for a few days.
  10. Carefully up-end your bath bombs to remove them from the moulds.
  11. Run a bath, hop in and drop a bomb. Watch it fizz!

Share your other tips below.

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