Get rid of house flies with this clever trick

Before you know it, summer will be at our doorstep. And you know what that means – flies!

Insects of all kinds resurface when the weather gets warm and they will start swarming around kitchens and garbage cans.

There are so many products that you can buy from the supermarket but if you want a chemical-free option and something that you don’t have to spray around, try this trick from Instructables.

You will need
A clear plastic sandwich bag
2 1/2 cups of water
A bottle of lime juice
2 teaspoons of salt
Two or three paper clips
Some shiny coins
A bowl and a spoon for mixing stuff

Photo credit: Instructables.

1. Add 2 1/2 cups of water to a bowl.
2. Add two teaspoons of table salt.
3. Mix it with the spoon to get the salt off the bottom of the bowl.
4. Add two or three squirts of lime juice and stir. There is no exact amount, lime juice just keeps the pennies shiny.
5. Pour the mixture in to the sandwich bag until it’s 3/4 full and drop the coins in. Seal the bag and hang it up using a paper clip and string.Done!

Do you have a trick that always works?

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