Test your 70s comedy film and stand-up memory in this ultimate comedy quiz

How well do you know your 1970s comedy?  This quiz has it all as we ask questions about the comedians on stage and screen.  Take the test and challenge your friends to see who can get the best score.

  1. What comedian did the infamous “seven words you can’t say on television” routine?
  2. When the gunman is shooting at Steve Martin when he works at a garage in The Jerk what does he think the man is shooting?
  3. This comedian was banned from Saturday Night Live, had his hit show Taxi and would challenge women to professional wrestling matches?
  4. What was the name of the character that punched out the horse in the comedy classic “Blazing Saddles”?
  5. This comedian was originally a mime and street performer before producer Gary Marshall gave him his big break on Happy Days.
  6. Name the comedian who starred with Clint Eastwood in Kelly’s Heroes and who’s nickname was “Mister Warmth”.
  7. This comedian had a blues singer character named “Mudbone” that would leave the audiences in stitches.
  8. This comedy film starred Goldie Hawn and Chevy Chase and its description on IMDB is “A shy San Francisco librarian and a bumbling cop fall in love as they solve a crime involving albinos, dwarves, and the Catholic Church.”
  9. This comedy duo had a lot of bits and films with the word “smoke” in the title.
  10. From 1974 to 1984 this Rat Pack member held Roast events for everyone from Johnny Carson to Bob Hope.

How do you think you did?  There is only one way to find out, and that’s to check your answers here.  Be sure to share this quiz with your friends to see who has the ultimate comedy trivia knowledge.

Who was your favourite comedian from the 70s?  What is your favourite comedy film from the 70s?  Let us know in the comments below.

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