New details emerge about bizarre Gerard Baden-Clay car crash

The convicted wife killer is serving a life sentence for murdering his wife.

Gerard Baden-Clay behaved erratically and pretended his legs were paralysed after crashing his car into a wall two days after his wife was reported missing.

New details of the crash have been revealed in an updated version of the book The murder of Allison Baden-Clay and they shed a light on the strange events that led to her husband’s conviction for her death.

The book also reveals the extraordinary moment paramedics found crucial evidence at the crash scene that lead to his life sentence behind bars.

In the book, author David Murray writes that Baden-Clay smashed his car into a concrete pylon without braking at 50km/h and then used his arms to drag himself from the car as if his legs were paralysed, reports Yahoo News.

He repeatedly said “sorry” to witnesses at the scene and demanded they call his lawyer, who he had been on his way to see.

Read more: Technicality in Baden-Clay ruling puts life insurance in question

A paramedic at the scene said Baden-Clay claimed he had pain “all over” his body, while a firefighter said he heard him say sorry at least 20 times.

Later, despite his protests, paramedics cut Baden-Clay’s shirt down the middle to treat him and discovered scratch marks on his torso, providing new evidence for the trial that his wife had fought back before her death.

Investigators believe Baden-Clay’s erratic behaviour could have been him at breaking point and that he was on his way to his lawyer to confess.

Read more: Gerard Baden-Clay demands contact with daughters

He was assessed by a mental health nurse after the crash and asked for his sister to be present “for legal reasons”.

When he was asked about his relationship with his wife, his sister said. “Gerard, do not answer those questions”.

Have you followed his case over the years?

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