MPs enjoy another annual pay rise while pensioners only get measly fraction

While pensioners are earning less than $1,000 a fortnight, it appears that pollies are enjoying a better deal.

In Queensland alone, salaries of MPs have been awarded a pay rise of 2.25 per cent a year for three years, taking their current base salary to more than $152,000, reports ABC News.

That figure works out to approximately $3,000 a week, a mammoth of a salary compared to the $436 weekly a pensioner makes.

Below is the breakdown on annual salaries for each state.

MP salaries by state. Source: Queensland Independent Remuneration Tribunal.

Compare with the 2016 pension rates below.

Pensioner rates 2016. Source: Australian Department of Human Services.

Additionally, on top of the base increase, The Independent Remuneration Tribunal also announced today that Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk would get an additional 1.5 per cent.

Both the MP and the Premier’s raises would be backdated to September last year, taking it to 2018.

It comes after the State Government gave the public service a 2.5 per cent boost this year.

In its determination, the Tribunal said it was especially important that base salary levels for Queensland MPs should remain broadly consistent with representatives in other states and territories.

“At the same time, we recognise community expectations, and those of the members themselves for that matter,” it said.

“We are confident our approach will avoid the need for more significant adjustments in the forward years.

“Additionally, we considered that in the prevailing economic circumstances of uncertainty and concerns the global economy has entered a period of sustained low growth, restraint is called for.”

The Tribunal said it had taken account of economic factors in determining additional salaries for office holders.

“We consider they have particular responsibilities in line with their office, as well as greater capacity to shape policies to address the softening outlook highlighted in the Tribunal’s analysis of economic indicators,” it said.

“We think it is reasonable that office-holder salaries should be subject to the wage restraints being experienced by high-income earners in other sectors.”

Many pensioners are upset and they believe that they are continuously being left out when it comes to increase of funds.

Do you think this is fair?