The one thing I can’t travel without…

Jun 05, 2017

I am so amazed at how easy the iPad has made travelling. It is making our trip fantastic!

My husband and I are backpacking for two months in Denmark, Norway, Poland and Turkey. Before we left I did heaps of research (on my iPad of course, and I saved the relevant sections) and organised an itinerary. Then I did 90 per cent of the travel (plane, train, bus, ferry) bookings and accommodation (hotel, hostel, B and B) bookings on the iPad. All this information was organised into folders in Evernote app.


Travel packing

We have spent a week in Denmark and a week in Norway so far. Surprisingly all the tickets and accommodation I booked months ago are there ready to be used. Many public places have Wi-Fi (not all) but every accommodation does. I often photocopy the screen so I have the map, accommodation, tourism info, travel info.. just in case Wi-Fi is not available. Translation and currency apps are used frequently. I have a National Geographic map app for when we are travelling long distance.

Obviously my photo collage app is used nightly to show my family and friends how the travelling is going. Of course I use my iPad for taking photos, all my dates, contacts are there easily available. Evernote app allows me to combine photos, emails and notes relevant for each country or region. We use the iPad to read the Sunshine Coast Daily (my local paper) and for other news.

My husband listens to ABC 612 while I prefer to listen to my pre-selected music playlist. I have read two books with iBooks in the quieter times. We have watched the first episode of Game of Thrones and if we have time I have 4 movies that we can watch. Ron watches the latest events of golf through a Master Pro Golf app!

There are endless possibilities. I did start using a My Budget app to keep a record of costs but I was never that interested in budgeting so that is just languishing on the screen. Of course I have a weather app to check the weather where I am and where I am going. Finally I have ready access to email, Facebook and Skype to keep in touch with everyone.

Enough iPad marketing! I came to Norway to see the fjords so we are on a bus soon from Åndalsnes to Ålesund on the west coast of Norway. Four hours of travelling up and down the length of many fjords… What a dream trip!

Do you use technology to help you travel? How and what do you do? Tell us in the comments below… 

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