6 must-do experiences along the Savannah Way

May 05, 2023
Spanning 3,700 kilometres of varied, the Savannah Way offers an epic experience like no other. Source: Tourism & Events Queensland.

We’re lucky to live in a country where we are spoilt for choice when it comes to epic road trips. Whether you are seeking an outback adventure through the Red Centre or a tropical escape along the east coast of Australia, there are so many great adventures to be had.

One of the ultimate ways to experience this great southland is the Savannah Way, an extraordinary adventure from Cairns to Darwin that promises to take you on a journey through some of Australia’s most remote and spectacular landscapes.

This iconic route spans over 3,700 kilometres, encompassing rugged terrain, tropical rainforests, ancient rock formations, and vast savannah plains. The route links the historic town of Broome in WA to Cairns and makes its way through the Top End.

Here are six unmissable destinations along the way to leave you with lasting memories. 

Millaa Millaa Falls

Imagine standing in awe as crystal-clear water cascades down from a lush green canopy, surrounded by the vibrant colours and scents of the tropical rainforest. The refreshing mist on your face as you approach the falls, the tranquil pool of water inviting you for a rejuvenating swim, and the chorus of wildlife serenading you with their melodies – Millaa Millaa Falls is a sensory feast for the soul. 

Located on the Waterfalls Circuit, along with Zillie and Ellinjaa Falls. Image source: Getty

Not only is this a breathtaking sight, but the mesmerizing falls’ spiritual significance to Aboriginal culture adds a profound depth and appreciation to this experience.

The Lost City

Hidden in the remote wilderness of Limmen National Park, the Southern Lost City awaits.

Towering sandstone formations that rise like ancient ruins from the rugged landscape create a truly surreal experience. This unique geographical phenomenon can be taken to a whole other level by adding a helicopter ride and guided walk.

One of Australia’s great geological wonders, the Lost City. Image source: Peter Eve via Tourism NT

Roaming through this otherworldly terrain, the intricate rock formations, shaped by millions of years of erosion, revealing a rich tapestry of colours and textures, will have you feeling like an intrepid explorer uncovering a long-lost civilization.

Undara Volcanic National Park

Nestled in the heart of the Australian outback, Undara Volcanic National Park is a wonderland of geological marvels waiting to be explored.

This incredible location allows you to wander through ancient lava tubes, where molten lava once flowed, leaving behind a labyrinth of mesmerizing tunnels and caverns.

Walk in the path of a volcano. Image source: Getty

The sheer magnitude and grandeur of this natural spectacle are awe-inspiring, with stalactites and stalagmites adorning the walls like an underground cathedral. And the cherry on top, this experience can be paired with a unique overnight stay in a historic train carriage transformed into unique and surprisingly comfortable accommodation! 

Roper River

One of the best (and safest!) ways to experience the historic Roper River, is via cruise, where the untamed wilderness of the Northern Territory will leave you entranced. 

This unique experience allows you to cruise along the meandering waterways, surrounded by lush mangroves, towering eucalyptus forests, and rugged sandstone cliffs, while the melodies of native birds fill the air. 

The Roper River is steeped in stories of adventure, trade, and exploration, and cruising its waters is like a voyage into the past; you’ll feel a sense of connection to the region’s rich history and cultural heritage as you navigate the same waters that were once travelled by Indigenous peoples and European explorers. 

Along the way, you’ll encounter fascinating wildlife, from crocodiles basking on the riverbanks to colourful birds darting through the canopy.

Pungalina-Seven Emu Wildlife Sanctuary

At the Pungalina wilderness lodge, you’ll be surrounded by pristine landscapes, breathtaking vistas, and abundant wildlife, from wallabies and dingoes to rare bird species.

Wildlife lovers will adore waking up to the sounds of nature, with the rising sun painting the sky in vivid hues of orange and pink, and stepping outside your cozy cabin to be greeted by the tranquil beauty of the surrounding wilderness.

Pungalina Wilderness Camp. Image source: Getty

The lodge offers an array of activities that allow you to fully experience the sanctuary’s beauty and wildlife, from guided walks and birdwatching to fishing and kayaking on the pristine rivers and billabongs. 

This immersive experience will awaken your sense of wonder, connect you to the natural world, and leave you with memories of an unforgettable adventure in the heart of the Australian wilderness.

Mataranka Thermal Pools

A true tropical oasis and perhaps the ultimate source of rest is the Mataranka Thermal Pools. These natural thermal pools are fed by a spring that gushes with warm, mineral-rich water, creating a serene and secluded haven for relaxation and rejuvenation.

Immerse yourself in the crystal-clear turquoise waters that are a balmy 34°C year-round, surrounded by towering palm trees and verdant foliage, and feel your worries melt away, your muscles unwind, and your senses come alive with the sounds of nature.

The surrounding area is rich in Aboriginal history and cultural significance, with tales of the Dreamtime adding a sense of mystique and wonder to your experience.

Want to experience them all, plus more?

To experience the glory of the Savannah Way and all of its beauty, travel on this 15-day all-inclusive, journey from Cairns to Darwin. 

Not only will you get to experience all the highlights mentioned above plus more, but you will also have the opportunity to travel in absolute luxury aboard a 5-star All Terrain Mercedes Benz Coach designed to take the road less travelled.

This all-inclusive tour includes all meals, all attractions, helicopter touring, gulf cruising, wilderness lodge accommodation, a journey on the historic Gulflander railway, and so much more!


Ready to go off the beaten track? Click here for a quote on this adventure of a lifetime — or simply phone Travel at 60’s friendly local travel team (for the cost of a local call anywhere within Australia) on 1300 414 198.

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