Remembering the toilet dolly

Jul 30, 2015

Early in the 1960’s they arose and multiplied. Perched atop lavatories, they could often be seen in shades of baby blue, buttercup yellow, peach and salmon pink. Dressed in a formal Victorian-esque large and layered dress, they perched atop their porcelain throne. With a calm gaze and legs fused together then placed through a cardboard roll, they patiently waited to fulfil their destiny… to provide a spare after your last square.

Where did they come from and who thought of squirrelling away a back up toilet roll so elegantly? Thus in this manner, disasters were averted and graciousness restored to bathrooms all over Australia, England and the US.


The humble toilet roll doll could serve as centrepiece, or co-ordinate with the other bathroom features that were en-vogue. Such things included the ceramic mermaid and wall fish, then later the fuzzy toilet seat cover and plush velour foot mats and floor coverings.


A breeding ground for E.coli and fungi, much of these things have been banished from bathrooms. So too has gone the toilet roll doll, only to be seen at the occasional Grandma’s or garage sale.

What featured in your Grandma’s bathroom?