I have just received new false teeth, I took a picture and posted in on Facebook.
I confessed to my friends that I feel l somewhat like a horse, so if I start to neigh they will have to forgive me.
One of my girlfriends tried to reassure me, saying the teeth looked great, but then she issued a warning that I should watch out for apples!
When I questioned her, ‘Watch out for apples?’
She went on to explain that when she got her new false teeth, she was on a first date with a guy and they were driving into the country.
She was eating an apple and he commented, “That looks nice.”
“Wanna a bite?” she replied and reached over to hand him the apple.
My friend said it seemed like slow motion, but as she handed the apple to him she could only watch in horror as he put his hand around her new false teeth that were still imbedded in the apple.
They laughed, and then she went on to marry him.