Your say: Is Christmas being set upon us too soon?

Today it is 3 months until Christmas Day. Already the decorations are starting to pop up in shops and the commercial crank has started to turn…


This got us thinking… Has Christmas come too soon? And does it seem to get earlier and earlier every year?



The retailers really do not need to roll out the decorations this far in advance. They are just trying to squeeze out every last little shopping dollar from us the customers. We really don’t need to see decorations now in stores and they should be put away. After all it is bad luck to bring decorations out more than one month out!



Decorations earlier just mean that we are able to avoid the Christmas rush. Personally, I like to do my Christmas shopping throughout the year to grab bargains and don’t mind the cheerful reminder now in September that Christmas will be upon us soon!


Here is your chance to have your say… Has Christmas come too soon?

Also let us know what time of year to do start Christmas shopping and preparing for the festivities? And when do you start preparing your Christmas Puddings and other treats and goodies?


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