You’ve had enough of PM Malcolm Turnbull

You’ve been hearing a lot about the changes to the Age Pension due to kick in in early January 2017, but you have also been quick to express your dislike of them. Now a new poll reveals just how much you’re opposed to what Malcolm Turnbull and the Coalition Government is doing to the baby boomers.

More than 8,5000 voters were surveyed between October and December as part of a newspoll for The Australian. It revealed that since the July 2 election satisfaction for the Government has plunged seven percentage points, from 49.9 per cent to 43 per cent.

Not only are you dissatisfied with the performance of the prime minister, two thirds of those surveyed have indicated they would rather see a Labor Government in power, while the other third would give their votes to independents or minor parties.

Looking solely at those voters over the age of 50, this latest poll shows the gap has narrowed between the Coalition and Labor from some 20 points to just eight.

You are largely unhappy about the overhaul of superannuation taxes, the changes to the Age Pension assets test and reforms to aged care.

Has your opinion of the Government changed during 2016? What issues of importance to you should they be focussing on?

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