In just a few hours, Her Majesty will become the longest reigning monarch, taking the title from her beloved grandmother Queen Victoria. In honour of the event, Buckingham Palace has released a new official photo of the Queen, looking a vision in pink.
For the Queen, however, it’s business as usual, thank you very much.
Her Majesty is adamant that she will not be made a fuss of and she will spend the day on official duties in Scotland.
The BBC writes, “It is evidently viewed as bad form for one long-lived queen to be seen in any way to be celebrating the passing of a record set by another long-lived queen”.
She will, however, be joined by her grandsons and great grandchildren and one should expect some sort of tea shall be served.
The Queen will have reigned for 63 years and seven months or, 23,226 days. The exact moment she became queen is not known as her father passed away in the early hours of the morning on 6 February, 1952.
Although she might not approve, the Queen’s milestone will be marked in several ways in the UK.
Business in the House of Commons will be postponed for half an hour and Prime Minister David Cameron will lead tributes. There will also be a River Thames salute, and a flotilla of historic vessels, leisure cruisers and passenger boats will take part in a procession between Tower Bridge and the Houses of Parliament. The bridge will lift as a sign of respect and HMS Belfast will sound a four-gun salute, reports the BBC.
In celebration, we want you to leave your messages of congratulations for the Queen!
Has the Queen been an influence in your life? Perhaps she’s just been a constant you can rely on? Do you admire her care as a grandmother? Or just her poise and grace?
We’re hoping to compile your messages and send them off to her media team in the hopes we can receive a formal response.
So get writing and leave your messages in the comments below. Let’s see how many we can get on this monumental day!