Princess Di’s and Prince Charles Honeymoon disaster revealed

Thier marriage may have officially ended in 1996, but it doesn’t seem that the marriage between Diana and Prince Charles started any better.

Personal letters from Diana are going up for auction and reveal that the Princess didn’t have her fairy tale honeymoon after their grand wedding in 1981. One letter addressed to friend Jane Parsons on August 15, 1981, states “The honeymoon was a perfect opportunity to catch up on sleep.” 

Another letter dated close to her 21st Birthday and just after the birth of William showed the Princess mind at the time she wrote “I have never been more confused than on my birthday as presents and telegrams were pouring in for W at KP as well as my own—so at the moment I just seem to be churning out letters!” She is referring to the fact that an astounding 4,500 presents arrived at the palace after William’s birth and with combined with the cards and presents for her birthday she replied with 24,000 thank-you notes.

As with all stories, there is another side to the tale as a new book about Prince Charles titled Prince Charles:  The Passions and Paradoxes of an Improbable Life explore the mindset of Charles during the same time.  The book states that the night before his “wedding of the century” to Princess Diana, Charles wept over his feelings for Camilla. The two had dated before but spilt while he was in the Navy.  The book also states that Charles felt pressured by his father to marry Diana and that he only had eyes for Camilla who was his mistress during his marriage to Diana and whom he eventually did marry.

Does the content of the letters surprise you?  Did you feel they were a good match when they married?

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