Peta Credlin writes scathing review of Libs

Peta Credlin appeared on The Bolt Report to reiterate her feelings on the issue. Image: The Bolt Report

Former Liberal staffer and now political commentator Peta Credlin has shut down her critics and issued a scathing review of the Government in an opinion piece for The Australian.

In the piece, published today, Credlin said it was time the Liberal Party admitted their internal politics were “killing them” and called allegations she was after Victorian MP Kelly O’Dwyer’s seat “fake news”.

“After a strong week of immigration and citizenship policy announcements, party strategists could be forgiven for feeling disappointed,” she said of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s small jump ahead in the latest Newspoll.

“But rather than hope a policy quick-fix might change their fortunes, Liberal hardheads must admit that internal politics are killing them, and put an end to the factional games.”

She went on to lambast journalists for alleging she was hoping to enter politics and unseat Minister for Revenue and Financial Services Kelly O’Dwyer in the process.

“I’ve no plans for a parliamentary career but even if I was interested, I’ve always taken a dim view of challenging sitting members … to be honest, even with my thick skin, the thought of going back into politics at the moment is about as appealing as chewing glass,” she wrote.

She accused Liberal Party members of leaking the fake story to the media and said games like this only hurt the party.

“Worse than that, at a time when the Coalition is desperate to claw back ground from Labor, games like this only advantage Bill Shorten.”

What do you think? Do you agree with her or not?