On the day Mandela was awarded the Nobel peace prize we celebrate his life

Dec 10, 2013

It was on this day in 1993 that Nelson Mandela received the Nobel peace prize for his role in peacefully terminating the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for the new South Africa.

In winning the award Mandela said, “We stand here today as nothing more than a representative of the millions of our people who dared to rise up against a social operation whose very essence is war, violence, racism, oppression, repression and the impoverishment of an entire people.”

It is incredibly fitting that this day when his life is being celebrated is also the day 20 years ago he was awarded the highest honour for peace.

Mandela’s stand against racial inequality, above all odds (including 27 years in prison) combined with the ability to ignite the world with the realisation of what was really happening, and his ongoing commitment to fight against racism in any form are the hallmarks of Nelson Mandela.

Nelson Mandela / Nobel Peace, there never has there been a better match.

To celebrate this incredible man here is a song written by Eric Bib to celebrate the freedom of Nelson Mandela.


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