‘My body is just tired’: Tradie’s photo sparks nationwide discussion about lifting the retirement age

Jun 23, 2023
The photo struck a chord with those who oppose raising the pension eligibility age from 65 to 67 which is set to take place on July 1. Source: Twitter/ @BethanyinCBR

A powerful photograph captured by a concerned tradie has brought attention to the growing concerns amongst older Australians regarding the proposed lifting of the retirement age.

The photo, believed to have originated several years ago, has since gone viral after it captured the sentiment of countless older Australians facing the prospect of an extended working life.

The photo shows a tradesman holding a sign that states: “Only a bloke who’s worked in an office his whole life would think you can work until you’re 70.”

Tradie's retirement concerns.
Source: Twitter/ @BethanyinCBR

The photo struck a chord with those who oppose raising the pension eligibility age from 65 to 67 which is set to take place on July 1.

Older Australians, in particular, expressed their worries and frustrations about the potential consequences of raising the retirement age.

“You get tired!! And working til 70 only means less life to live in your retirement years! I have worked 50 years now,” one person wrote.

Another offered support for the tradie for taking a stand.

“Good on you mate. Let’s raise the retirement age for politicians only,” they said.

One older Australian agreed with the sentiments, expressing concern for their sons who are also tradies.

“Could not agree more, I have sons that are roofers, have done all their working lives, damage done to shoulders, legs , arms hands etc, is shocking,” they shared.

“I really do not believe you can expect them to be working until 70 utter rubbish, 55 – 60 absolute tops”

One concerned commenter expressed dismay at the upcoming changes to the retirement age.

“My body is just tired, as is my husband’s, who is 66. We both need to just rest now. We had planned on retiring at 65. Then they changed the goalposts,” they said.

Another shared their concerns for their husband who has “earned the right to slow down and enjoy some time doing what he wants”.

‘My husband is now 60 in a physically demanding job, his body is saying ‘enough’,” they said.

“He has done his job, raised a family, put food on the table, a roof over our head. He has earned the right to slow down and enjoy some time doing what he wants now.”

Australians can currently access the age pension at 65 years and 6 months if they were born between July 1, 1952, and December 31, 1953.

Those born after that date can access their pension from the age of 66.

However, starting from July 1, individuals born after January 1, 1957 will likely have to remain in employment for longer, as the pension age will be raised to 67 years old.

Unfortunately, it’s unlikely that the increases will stop there with Macquarie University Professor of Statistics, Hanlin Shang suggesting that the pension age will need to increase to 70 years to cover government spending.

“As Australians live longer than before, it presents a challenge to the government to fund retirees through a pension scheme,” Shang said.

‘”Less people in the working group and more in retirement will make the old age dependency ratio (OADR) higher.

“What this means is there are less working people to support elderly people. And with more elderly people in the population, this will create a burden for the government pension system.

“Raising the pension age is the obvious way to sustain the current pension scheme without collecting more taxes.”




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