Australian of the year David Morrison got fired up on ABC’s Q and A last night, telling Australia to “get real” about the issue of domestic violence and calling our current stance on the issue “bulls**t”.
Morrison couldn’t control his temper as he spoke about the issue, clearly upset about the rate of domestic violence across the country.
“It’s not about the statistics, it’s about the lives that are being taken and damaged here,” said Morrison. “What do you want to do? You want to compare a particular figure from a year to a year?”
“Get real Australia. We run the risk of being a nation of bystanders comforted by statistics. There are people dying and people whose lives are absolutely ruined as a result of domestic violence and what’s more, we are all as a society the victim. That’s bulls**t.”
Morrison’s response was met with applause from the audience and he went on to say domestic violence is “the greatest social challenge we face” in Australia.
Morrison went on to say: “It is not just the courts, it is first responders like police, it is the community organisations like the Domestic violence Crisis Service in the ACT. But they are all stretched. There is now a demand out there.
“We are all stretched to deal with this but if we don’t deal with it, what is the legacy we leave for those who follow us?”