While this election has focused on the name Turnbull, Shorten, Hanson, and Hinch, there is one name that the coalition may need to make government; Katter.
Immigration is something that Bob Katter discussed during his two-and-a-half hour meeting with the current Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. Katter admits that he wanted immigration to be cut to “virtually nil”.
“The government has been bringing 620,000 people into Australia each year, into an economy that’s only got 200,000 jobs and over 200,000 school leavers,” Bob told the press. He continued “I mean, is this madness? The whole country’s economy must collapse. Clearly, half a million people are forced on to the dole each year as a result of the government bringing 620,000 people into the country.”
If it’s up to Bob he will limit immigration to Sikhs, Jews and Middle Eastern Christians. He stated “These are persecuted minorities, there’s no doubt – 84,000 Sikhs were killed in one year in India.” Bob’s plan “just makes sense” as he said his plan has the number to back it up. “As far as I’m concerned, it’s in line with the job creation, which would be down to 100,000 and if you go to persecuted minority groups, and I’ll be very specific – the Christians in the Middle East, the Jews in the Middle East and other parts of the world, and the Sikhs in India – they will fill your 100,000, no trouble” he told the press.
The immigration issue is a hot button that will continue to provoke discussion no matter what party wins the election.