The common home appliance that makes cleaning your bathroom a breeze

Jul 28, 2024
Followers were impressed by the clever hack and expressed their gratitude for the helpful tips. Source: Getty Images.

Bathrooms are a modern-day necessity and for many people it is where they can relax and unwind in private. With many of us leading busy lives, our bathrooms provide a sanctuary of quiet and solitude.

Unfortunately, bathrooms are often the hardest spaces to keep clean and hygienic.

So one cleaner on social media has shared their tips to keep your bathroom spick and span and they use a common household appliance that most of us have lying about.

Kellsie Zapata uploaded a video to Instagram and TikTok about tips that make cleaning the bathroom easier.

And revealed her secret weapon is a household vacuum cleaner.

After removing the bathroom bins and bath mats, Zapata recommends vacuuming the floor before you start spraying your cleaner.

“This is so you can remove excess dust, dirt, and hair,” she explained.

“You don’t want to drag around wet hair as you are cleaning, plus when dirt gets wet, it makes more of a mess.

“So, just take a few extra minutes to quickly vacuum the floors. It makes the biggest difference.”

The professional cleaner then reminded her viewers to use the “top-to-bottom” method when cleaning, as this ensures you do not wipe dust and dirt onto already-cleaned surfaces.

“It may be tempting to clean all over the place, but that’s ineffective,” she said.

“The reason top bottom works is that dust and dirt fall from the top to the bottom as you cleaning so if you’re cleaning your bathroom, you would not want to clean your counters first and then clean the area above your counters.

“All the dust would fall onto your clean counter space and now you will have to clean your countertop twice.”

Followers were impressed by the clever hack and expressed their gratitude for her helpful tips.

“Love these tips! Didn’t think cleaning bathrooms required a certain order to clean! Thanks for sharing,” one viewer wrote.

“I like these tips! Thank you.”

“Love this! Thanks for sharing,” another commented.

While Zaparta’s vacuum tip surprised her viewers, we at Starts at 60 have more helpful ways to clean around the home with your vacuum.

Here are 9 of the best vacuum cleaner life hacks we found – we couldn’t believe we didn’t know these before!

1. Glass light fixtures

Don’t spray and wipe your glass fixtures, only to spread dirt around – simply vacuum off the dust and fur before you wipe it over, preferably with the soft brush attachment.

2. Vacuum bed sheets and quilts between washings to keep pet fur from building up

If you are one of those “pets are allowed on the beds” kind of households, run a light weight cordless vacuum over the tops of beds to remove any extra fur balls between cleanings. This really helps cut down on the amount of pet fur that ends up on your clothes and washing machine filter.

3. Fix carpet dents with ice

Fix those unsightly dents in the carpet after you move furniture by placing ice cubes over them. As the water melts, the carpet fibres will raise up. Then simply run a vacuum cleaner over the spot to get the carpet to straighten up again.

4. Inflate an air mattress

Don’t have an air pump around? Use a bagged vacuum cleaner with a small nozzle on the lowest setting!

5. Extend out the nozzle

Get into narrow spaces (like a sliding door track) by using a cardboard tube as an extender for the vacuum hose.

6. Soothe a crying baby

Is your grandchild wailing? Vacuum cleaners are the ultimate white noise machines. There’s something so calming about that electric whirr that calms babies right down.

7. Clean the roller brush

If you have hair and lint trapped on the vacuum’s roller brush – simply cut it off with a seam ripper.

8. Deodorise carpets

For those items that are impossible to throw in the wash (such as rugs, carpet or mattresses), sprinkle the offending spot with bicarb soda. Let it sit for half an hour and then vacuum it.

9. Find lost items

Lost an earring? Place an old pair of pantyhose on the nozzle of the vacuum cleaner and secure it with a rubber band. Now vacuum in the area you lost the item – it should be visible on the end of the vacuum!

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