Mobile phone radiation levels… which ones are worst?

Apr 20, 2014

I was reminded by my friend last week that computers and mobile phones have only been around for one generation, so we have not yet had the chance to understand the impact they might have on cancer rates, eyesight, and general health and wellbeing.  It is a scary thought when you consider how many hours of the day we have one of these devices in front of us.

Every time I drop in to see my mother in law she insists we charge our phones and rest our computers in another room to our bedroom.  And I guess it makes sense to do so.   Officially, as of 2011, cell phone radiation has been listed by the WHO as a “carcinogenic hazard.”

So when I saw this research online, it seemed important to share with you the mobile phones that have, over the last ten years been found to have the highest radiation levels on record.  US media outlet, CNET has been tracking cell phone manufacturers products and their radiation levels for years.  And whilst we don’t want to be alarmist we do thing it is worth taking note of these measures.

In their recent report on radiation levels, CNET take care to publish the following disclaimer:

“Some researchers, including the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an arm of the World Health Organization, have recently stated that cell phones could possibly cause cancer , others disagree and say there still is not conclusive or demonstrated evidence that cell phones cause or don’t cause adverse health effects in humans. In short, the jury is still out. ”

So which mobile phones have the highest and lowest radiation levels?  Here is the list.  And, because Apple came out on neither list, we sought out their radiation levels for you too.

mobile phone radiation
iphone radiation


What type of phone do you have and have you ever thought about the radiation levels that emanate from it?  How many hours per week do you spend using a mobile phone?

source:; CNET Twenty highest radiation cellphones

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