One of our Starts at 60 Style community members has asked:
“I love the look of a lot of the sleeveless styles at the moment, but I am not comfortable bearing my upper arms at all! I wish I could wear these cool designs, do you have any suggestions?”
Mary Sandler
I love your questions Stylers! Mary you are not alone when it comes to wanting to keep your upper arms under wraps. I am sure most women get to a point in their lives where they feel the same way.
You have a few options.
1 Acceptance
Embrace your body for what it is. Learn to live with your arms just the way they are by choosing not to be self conscious and loving your arms.
2 Change how they look
You could do something about their appearance. Simple things like exfoliating and moisturising the skin will keep it looking supple and fresh.
Adopting some gentle toning exercises will help to firm them up also. You would be surprised by what you can achieve in 10 minutes a day! Remember that consistency is the key and it will take at least two weeks to start to see a subtle improvement. In your upper arms you have two muscles – the biceps at the front and the triceps at the back. Both will need toning. Two of the very best exercises for your upper arms are the plank and the good ol’ push up.
Start gently (I know I cannot do a proper push up!) with push-ups against the kitchen bench gradually building up to what works for you on the floor. It is important to keep good form to avoid injury. Start off with one set of about 10, building up to 2 or 3 sets daily of 10-15 repetitions. With the plank, go steady as well. Start off holding the plank for 10 seconds, then build up to holding for 60 seconds or more. I recommend speaking to your gp, physio or trusted health professional before embarking on any exercise regime – it needs to be suitable for you!
Don’t forget that even a hint of self tanner will make a difference- creating the illusion of slimmer, healthier arms.
3 Dress smart
Wear your favourite clothes & add a light layer over the top. I know that this can be challenging in an Australian summer. Look for the coolest fabrics you can find. Here are some great styles that we recommend.
Little mesh cardis like these come in a variety of colours and styles. I find they wear well and tend to go with everything.
Vigorella mesh wrap cardi
Threadz handbag cardigan
Millers tie front slub cardi
Why not embrace the current trend of cold shoulder tops? This way you are not showing all of your upper arms – just giving a little peek-a-boo of the shoulders!
Capture boho top
A denim jacket goes with everything. Generally 100% cotton, they are a great layering solution.
Katies cotton denim jacket
The kimono is one of this seasons must have styles. I like this design as it shows a glimpse of skin and it will keep you cool.
Katies crochet insert kimono
Do you have any tips for Mary? Have you found these tips useful? Please send us in your questions – we love hearing from you!