Simple trick to avoiding static hair

Avoid this situation.

One unfortunate side-effect of getting older on our hair, aside from the obvious greying and sometimes thinning, is that our hair really tends to dry out. And with drying out comes the dreaded static electricity that causes your hair to frizz out like you’re just stuck your fingers into an electric socket. 

There are plenty of things that can exacerbate the issue, including getting in and out of cars, the products you use on your hair, what fabrics you’re wearing, and even what type of pillowcase you have.

There is one simple trick you can use however that will smooth your hair without having to use oils or waxes that can make your hair look and feel heavy and greasy, and prevent the build up of static electricity. And the best thing is that all you need is a product that you likely already have in your home!

All you need is your regular hairbrush, and a dryer sheet. Simply press the bristles of the brush through the dryer sheet, so that when you’re brushing your hair, you’re effectively brushing it with the dryer sheet. It will reduce and prevent static electricity and make your hair super smooth without weighing it down. 

Do you have any other tricks for great hair?