Too old to love: Author’s brutal blow to over-50 women

French author Yann Moix said he didn't like women his own aged and that he preferred 25 year olds. Source: Getty

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and French author Yann Moix is definitely feeling the fiery hot lick of hell flames today. 

The award-winning author has sparked outrage after he claimed he’s incapable of loving a woman over the age of 50. In fact, he said he prefers women half his age.

French author and television presenter Yann Moix – who is 50 – made the comments to the French edition of Marie Claire while promoting his new book, Rompre. When asked if he would consider dating a woman the same age as him, he said it wasn’t possible, noting 50-year-old women were “too old” for him to fall in love with.

He claimed older women were “invisible” to him, before explaining the kind of woman he’s attracted to.

“I prefer younger women’s bodies, that’s all,” he told the publication, according to The Guardian. “The body of a 25-year-old woman is extraordinary. The body of a woman of 50 is not extraordinary at all.”

He added that he prefers to date Asian women, specifically those of Korean, Chinese and Japanese descent. Moix’s comments have drawn backlash across social media from both men and women.

One woman on Twitter wrote: “Yann Moix is quite presumptuous to think any woman is interested in him, whatever age she is.”

Read more: ‘I fell in love with a narcissist and it nearly destroyed me’

Another said: “Women over 50 who have just learned they will never feel the loving caress of Yann Moix are breathing a collective sigh of relief at the bullet they’ve dodged.”

A third comment simply read: “He confuses lust with love.”

A man added: “This guy’s attitude obviously isn’t healthy, and he seems like an asshole. but I have a perverse sort of admiration for the fact that he admits these facts. I know lots of men who say similar things in private but would never admit it in public.”

Others posted photographs of celebrities over the age of 50 including Jennifer Anniston, Julia Roberts and Halle Berry, while some chose to post photographs of themselves.

Despite the backlash, Moix refused to apologise for his comments, instead telling RTL radio that he wasn’t responsible for his taste in women.

“I like who I like and I don’t have to answer to the court of taste,” he said. “Fifty-year-old women do not see me either. They have something else to do than to get around a neurotic who writes and reads all day long. It’s not easy to be with me.”

Yann Moix's comments have sparked outrage, especially because he is also 50.
Yann Moix’s comments have sparked outrage, especially because he is also 50. Source: Getty.

Moix has published 10 novels throughout his career and has won numerous awards for his work. He’s also directed three films and is the host of French talk show On n’est pas couché.

Read more: Older people who ‘make love’ frequently are happier: Study

What do you make of Yann Moix’s comments? Are you attracted to people the same age as you, or do you prefer younger lovers?

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