Starts at 60 Daily Joke: A biology teacher asks a question

A biology teacher asks her student a question. Source: Pexels

It’s time for biology class and Mrs Smith is teaching her 12th grade students about the human body.

She turns to a student named Kelly and asks her to answer a random question.

“So Kelly, what part of the human body increases 10 times the normal size when excited?”

Shocked, Kelly closes her text book and gets extremely angry.

“That’s disgusting,” she says. “I don’t have to answer that!”

Jim, her classmate, raises his hand to answer the question.

“That’s easy! It’s the pupil of the eye.”

“Very good, Jimmy,” Mrs Smith replies. “That’s correct.

She then turns to Kelly and offers her some advice.

“I’ve got three things to say to you. One, you didn’t do your homework. Two, you have an extremely dirty mind. Three, you’re in for a big disappointment!”

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